A great way to start off your morning learning about the letter S.....Some spider Pancakes!
We started school today by reviewing some of the letters we have already learned. I picked up some workbooks in the dollar section of our local Target when they went on clearance for 25cents a piece. These specifically focus on the sounds letters make as well as writing them. So we practiced writing them and choosing pictures that have the same sound. It is helpful to young writers to draw a small dot where they need to start forming their letters. this helps teach them proper penmanship as well as gives them a starting point to consistently use. Most books have them already these did not. After each page she got to put a sticker on her paper as a reward....she was over the moon about that :)
We started school today by reviewing some of the letters we have already learned. I picked up some workbooks in the dollar section of our local Target when they went on clearance for 25cents a piece. These specifically focus on the sounds letters make as well as writing them. So we practiced writing them and choosing pictures that have the same sound. It is helpful to young writers to draw a small dot where they need to start forming their letters. this helps teach them proper penmanship as well as gives them a starting point to consistently use. Most books have them already these did not. After each page she got to put a sticker on her paper as a reward....she was over the moon about that :)

S is for Spider
Today we introduced the letter S, we had fun making the sound and kaitlyn tried to name as many S words as she could come up with. We worked on our S page for our ABC Book. Kaitlyn fingerpainted her entire page using Black paint....and then practiced making her S's on the painted paper. This is a fun way to review letter formations. When it dried I applied white paint onto her paper in a ring fashion ( see above) She then took a paintbrush and used it to draw her lines stemming from the center of the web. When she was done she had a spider web. I drew the letter S and then she applied some cute foamy glitter spiders onto the letter S.
Letter Review
Kaitlyn spent teh rest of her afternoon playing with her letter mats. She uses pom poms to make the letters by placing them into the dots. Each one forms a letter she has already learned. I made these and hope to have them on the website as a resource for you to use soon :)
Spider Cookies
The great thing about staying home with your little ones is being able to relax a little and enjoy the little stuff. Tonight while Kaitlyn played dress up....her favorite pasttime. I made a batch of sugar cookies. She helped me to decorate them in a most spooktacular way! We made some spider cookies. We took black frosting ( I really don't even want to know whats in that) and iced our cookies, I drew the circles using white irradescent frosting onto the cookies. Kaitlyn took a large wooden skewer and spread the icing out by drawing lines that start at the center of the cookie. When she was all done she added a gummy spider...yum!!!!! I had a few cookies I wanted to do something different on so we made spiders on them. As I drew them on with the icing Kaitlyn counted the legs making sure I had 8 on each one.
Her Face says it all!
Does Grandma DD get Spider Pancakes this weekend???