Here in North Florida we don't get to relish in all things winter. We get chilly temperatures (this year has been quite mild though), the occasionally frost, and our share of gloomy winter days, but snow...never. So in true Caroline style, my Goddaughter wanted to go against the norm for her fourth birthday. Her parents have blessed her with the opportunity to travel all around and see many sights. One of her favorite things to do is to hit the slopes. And that is just what we did on a sunny and cool Florida Saturday morning!
Before her pint sized guests hit the Bunny Slope, they decorated tasty trees.
They were served Sno-Cones (remember we are in Florida). Here is the birthday girl with her super creative mommy.
Guests also made their own ski trail mix and hung out by the bonfire (with their Sno-Cones!). What a great way to celebrate this mountain of a milestone for sweet and sassy Caroline! Happy Birthday Little C!

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