There is something about this time of year that makes us teachers want to start fresh and reorganize our classroom. We started out on a great note as we ushered in our children at the start of the school year, but within weeks (who are we kidding, days) the classroom was already in disarray. Items were shoved in bins, lesson plans fell by the waste side, items for a variety of centers were mingling, and all those important papers that need to find a home remain homeless. This disorganization can't even be blamed on the children. Let's face it, teachers have to manage A LOT of pieces of paper!
The start of a new calendar year is also a great mid way point to get your classroom and life back on track! At the start of the school year we shared with you some of our favorite classroom organizational items. We have developed a kit to help organize both you and your classroom. From blogs to border trim this kit has you covered! These are things that make our classrooms run smoothly for the students and for us. We hope you find this kit as useful as we do.
Visit our Simply Sprout store to see a complete description.
* Daily Bins. Label individual bins with the days of the week. Inside the bins corral your copies of warm ups, assessments, books, or anything else that you're going to tackle on that given day. These are great for last minute substitutes as well!
* Monthly Bins. Much like a daily bin, keep your important resources for the month together in a clear plastic bin. This way you can grab all the bulletin board art, centers, teacher resources, and extra copies you need for the month.
* Blackline Binder. Store your favorite blackline master copies in a three ring binder. Only keep one copy and recycle the rest! Extra copies floating around are an organizational nightmare. Marcy likes to organize her copies by month, and Amanda likes to organize her copies by subjects. Either way works as long as they are easy to find and keep organized!
* Label, label, label. Simply placing a label on binders, bins, cubbies, and more you are holding yourself accountable for staying organized! This also teaches your students to respect the organization of the classroom.
*Border trim....what on earth do you do with that when you aren't using it? We absolutely love using it but it is one of the hardest things to store. One of our favorite ideas is to use frosting canisters....absolutely brilliant! Check out our Pinterest board for a visual.
* Teacher clipboard. Both Marcy and Amanda are strong believers in only having the most important things in front of you to get through the day. Clip all important notes, plans, rosters, etc. to your clipboard and refer back to it throughout the day.
* Instill organization in your students. Being tidy, organized, and responsible are life lessons. Show your students the importance of these characteristics by creating and having them help in keeping an organized classroom. An organized classroom has quicker transition time between subjects and activities, which leads to more learning time!
Here are a few of our organizational faves
To check out the entire post and see where you can find these awesome products
please visit our Avoiding a Manic Monday post.
please visit our Avoiding a Manic Monday post.
One of our New Year's Resolutions at Simply Sprout was to liven things up and get more organized! We hope you will join us in making 2013 an organized one! Our newest kit has everything you need to organize your classroom and your teaching life. Get organized and stay organized with our brightly colored kit. Perfect for labeling everything, and organizing those file folders and binders. Lots of great resources to keep track of your classroom ideas as well as your meetings, plans, etc.
This kit also includes templates to keep Bloggers and Teachers Pay Teachers authors organized and on track.
This kit also includes templates to keep Bloggers and Teachers Pay Teachers authors organized and on track.
To help get you on the right track we wanted to give you a FREEBIE!
This is our Blog Planner: Weekly Planning Sheet.
It will help you keep track of your online life and hopefully make your blogging life a little bit easier.
It will help you keep track of your online life and hopefully make your blogging life a little bit easier.
We use ours so much we were going through them like crazy so we created our very own notepad.
You can purchase yours HERE
We hope you enjoyed some of our tips, we would love to hear how you keep organized in your classroom, leave us a comment below.
Check out our Pinterest board for more classroom ideas to get organized.

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