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President's Day Ideas

President's Day is this Monday and schools here in Tallahassee are in session. As teachers ourselves we know how hard it can be to address holidays and still stay on track meeting common core standards and benchmarks, so we created a resource kit that will add a little President's Day fun to what you already have on your curriculum map.

Celebrate President's Day in your classroom with fun activities that support common core goals. This kit includes writing and social studies activities as well as graphic organizers and craftivities that will make your President's Day educational and fun! Visit the Simply Sprout Store to get yours today!

This kit includes

Page 1............ Facts about George Washington
Page 2 ............ Facts about George Washington (Answer Key)
Page 3 ............ Facts about Abraham Lincoln
Page 4 ............ Facts about Abraham Lincoln (Answer Key)
Page 5 ............ Abraham Lincoln Craftivity Mask
Page 6 ............ George Washington Craftivity Mask
Page 6 ............ President Graphics for display
Page 7 ............ President’s Venn Diagram
Page 8 ............ Journal Prompt: What Qualities make a good President?
Page 9 ............ Journal Prompt:What would it be like to live in the White House?
Page 10............ Journal Prompt: Celebrating President’s Day is important because
Page11 ............ Journal Prompt: Why do we think of Abraham Lincoln as Honest Abe?
Page 12 ............ Journal Prompt:What do you think of the story of George Washington and the cherry tree?
Page 13 ............ Journal Prompt: If you were the President what issues would you focus on?

Here is a little peek from our President's Day Pack
Right click the picture below  to get your free copy.

We have rounded up some great ideas and activities for you on our Pinterest boards
be sure to stop by and become a follower!
Click Here for a link to this craft

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