It's the first day of February and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. With all the choices out there you could spend a ton of money on Valentines for your children. So we have rounded up a few of our favorite Valentine ideas to give you a few options that won't break the bank.
As teachers and moms we appreciate a good treat that doesn't involve candy or chocolate so we put together a few ideas for you to use with your younger Valentines. Just remember the most important part for your child, no matter what their age, is writing their name as well as the name of who their Valentine will go to. Encourage little ones to fill out their own Valentines for their friends. This simple sentiment encourages little ones that their writing has purpose and they feel so much pride when they pass them out amongst their friends.
Designs were created by Magic by Marcy for Simply Sprout.
To purchase the Valentines please visit our simply sprout store
If you would like your Valentine customized or personalized please visit Marcy at Magic by Marcy
Designs were created by Magic by Marcy for Simply Sprout.
To purchase the Valentines please visit our simply sprout store
If you would like your Valentine customized or personalized please visit Marcy at Magic by Marcy
These Have a Ball Valentines are great for everyone. For older children you can give out small bouncy balls, for younger ones the bigger the better (to avoid choking hazzards)
The sensory ball shown here is a great gift for toddlers and preschoolers, the ball lights up when struck and has a unique texture that helps them grasp the ball.
(These balls were found for $1 in the party section at Target)
There is a lot of research on sensory development and how simple tactile experiences can help stimulate brain development in young children. A few activities using balls can be found here.
What little one doesn't LOVE Goldfish crackers. This timeless treat makes a great Valentine for those little ones at daycare, or preschool. Just print, cut and assemble. Slide fishbowl into a clear cellophane bag (they come in various sizes at Hobby Lobby or your local craft store) add some Goldfish and tie with a ribbon.
I Really Dig you Valentine! We made some cute Glitter Rocks using glitter glue pens and some landscaping rocks. Add a cute little shovel and you have a unique Valentine. You could also use a small plastic dump truck or construction toy.
Check out The Artful Parent for tips on making Glitter Rocks

Pirates are all the rage this year!
This adorable Valentine is perfect for your little pirate.
Just add some necklaces (found at most party stores or you can use ones you have collected from parades or celebrations), or plastic gold coins, or a pirate eye patch.
Most of these items can be found at your local party store or craft store.
Just add some necklaces (found at most party stores or you can use ones you have collected from parades or celebrations), or plastic gold coins, or a pirate eye patch.
Most of these items can be found at your local party store or craft store.
If you are a little more traditional and love the idea for a sweet treat for your Valentine then these sweet little Owl Valentines are a must have. They are 3x5 and can be printed at home directly onto Cardstock. Just print cut and add a couple of holes (from a hole punch) below the talons.
Slide your favorite lollipop through for a sweet treat!
FREEBIE Just click the image to download
Amanda and I just
LOVE Mason Jars! And as science teachers we love everything that encourages little ones to explore!
So we wanted to share one of our Favorite Valentine ideas. A simple mason jar cutout. Just print cut and attach your favorite little bug.
To Get your FREEBIE just go to our Simply Sprout Store and download your very own copy to use with your students.
We ask that you share the LOVE and send your favorite teachers our way!
And for all of you Mustache fans this is for you! I "Mustache" you to be my Valentine!
Just add to a bag of your favorite candy.

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