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Lil Sprouts Event for May!

Through creating children bloom!  

 Simply Sprout’s Lil Sprouts events are a wonderful way to let your child’s inner artist, thinker, and dreamer shine.  Lil Sprouts focuses on educational concepts with a creative twist!
Our next event is 
Saturday, May 26th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.. at The Grauer Home
The cost is $15 per child.
Activities are designed for children ages 1 - 5

Join us as we learn a little more about the ocean and the animals that call it home.
Our Lil Sprouts will be exploring and creating:
 Ocean sensory bags
A counting Jellyfish
Painted seashells
Exploring why whales have blubber
Our Lil Sprouts will also be creating and edible aquarium, be sure to join us!
 Sign up for this event on our Simply Sprout Facebook page by May 23rd.
For information on upcoming Lil Sprouts events please contact us at simplysprout@gmail.com.

Please feel free to invite your friends!

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