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Volunteer Thank You

It's the time of year to thank our classroom volunteers for making our year successful and memorable. Without parent support, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on. There are thousands of teachers across this country that do it alone, and I commend you! Times are a changing, so I am a huge proponent of being creative and finding a way to encourage working and non-working parents to be involved with their child's education. As a child of two working parents (teachers) they couldn't come to my classroom to volunteer, but they were very present in my educational journey. So I applaud all the parents who give of their time and talents to make sure that schools and classrooms have all the resources necessary to be the haven for learning.
 There is no way that I could purchase a gift to adequately say thank you to those through the years that have helped our classroom in so many ways. Instead I try to find a gift that will allow these parents to remember our class for years to come. This year I went with an ocean theme (can you tell Marcy and I are gearing up for Saturday's Lil Sprouts' event?), and found these fish platters at Wal-mart. I can't find a picture of it on their website, but trust me it's in the seasonal section and it was less than $8. With a Sharpie in hand I had all my students sign their name. Then I typed up a little tag to say, "Thanks for helping our school," tied a bow, and there you have the cutest poolside platter around!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I raced down to Wal-Mart. Found the plates, bowls, cups, but no trays. I didn't give up, finally found them on another aisle. I was getting bored with my usual thank you gift (a quilted oven mitt, the kids each signed in a square, put hand lotion, hand sanitizer, and an emery board inside, and a note in the shape of a hand,which had "Thanks for lending a helping hand" on it.)

  2. What a wonderful idea! I just saw this tray at Walmart this morning.


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